This year, I set a goal to try to take pictures in short windows of time. Since my Girlfriend works downtown, I decided to utilize the setting, and set a block of time to snap pics before picking her up.
My last post discusses the luck, and determination required for one of my favorite images. But today I am sharing my Steel City Squirrels, a rather unexpected moment.
Set Attainable Goals
Sure, I could dedicate whole days, or trips. But in my age, the responsibilities mount faster and faster. Fortunately, my Hard Drive of photos gets smaller and smaller.
This is a good thing. There’s nothing wrong with prioritizing, and being selective.
In fact, I appreciate taking pictures of new visions or ideas, instead of just documenting things I thought were cool, or beautiful. Resulting in a much less hectic backlog.
Smaller windows of Time
Brought better visions.
So back to shooting Photography downtown Pittsburgh. Creating these very narrow opportunities honed my vision and really tested my capabilities. That is so important as a creative individual.
And as a Photographer, I’ve gotten into the habit of traveling light. This means ONE lens. Yes, just one.
A pressure test.
In this case, it’s my trusted Sigma 19mm f/2.8 and my GH4.
we arrive at KDKA, Let’s shoot.

I get to the square, and there are Acorns everywhere.
I snap a few frames, and start surveying the scene as I walk. I come across these two baby Squirrels. They were scavenging for nuts and in a rather playful mood.
Knowing I had just the Sigma 19mm I knew my range was rather limited.
I grabbed an Acorn, and gently moved closer.

These two Squirrel Siblings were so docile, In the heart of Steel City.
This moment was so captivating. A totally unexpected approach. The innocence of baby animals really stood out to me. They trusted me, And continued to play and compete for food, and obviously snacks.
I just kept talking gently and very softly to them ” Hey little guy”, And though he didn’t want to take it from my hand. He trusted me that I was a friend with a distinct advantage in Acorn gathering.
As the minimum focus distance on the Sigma 19mm is a staggering 0.2 meters, equivalent to about half a foot. I just paid attention to that, and hoped the settings were dialed in correctly. You have barely any time to even look at the back of that Camera.
Eyes Ahead, Finger on the Shutter.
So lets practice patience, and establish a connection between these two Squirrels in KDKA Square. I don’t care if he takes it out of my hand, I know my minimum focus distance. I let the little guy know I’m here to help him smash the snack attack.

Satisfaction and Happiness
Feeding animals is always a good feeling. But feeding baby squirrels was really a happy feeling. I smiled so often.
After seeing how they interacted with me, coming back to check out what I had, Zipping around and playing with each other. I had this moment in a short span of 2 hours. I know I made their day.
They surely made my day.
I thought of my Grandpa Ray.
He loved Squirrels, and I would have loved to share these photos and story with him. These are little blessings that are bountiful when you seek them. Even if you just set an hour or two aside, Keep your mind open, and your vision narrow.
Enjoy the little things.

6 responses to “Friends In Unexpected Places | Steel City Squirrels”
This melted my heart.
I love this: “Creating these very narrow opportunities honed my vision and really tested my capabilities. That is so important as a creative individual.”
Thank you <3. I’m glad you found joy in that statement. I’m sure you can relate 🙂
This was an excellent post, Taylor. I absolutely love your ability to expertly capture with your eye, your camera and your words the beauty of things so often overlooked by those of us with lesser appreciation for the truly remarkable.
Wow. Thank you so much Doug! Often the most beautiful things are overlooked. It’s truly a pleasure to share them.
Your wonderful pictures/story line reminded me of Willie and a squirrel that had a life long “play time”, the squirrel would look at our back foot, Willie would come out and the chase would happen, this went on for several weeks, until one day he came from the garage (from behind), that squirrel jumped so high, turned and another chase, in their own language they talked back and forth for a while, we where laughing so hard at this…Few days later squirrel back… thanks for the pictures …
LOL. Aww, I remember Willie. He was the big black dog right?
There is so much personality to them. Catch me if you can, and so cute how hed come back. Even though we dont understand animals language it sure is amazing to witness at times.