I haven’t had the opportunity of doing live venue photography since 2018 in Pittsburgh at Black Forge Coffee. I brought my camera along to see Extortionist, Distinguisher and Rings of Saturn at The Blind Tiger in Greensboro, North Carolina. They had no issues with the camera and I had front stage view with a really unique angle on the bands.
Everything sounded tight, if you’re a fan of metal The Blind Tiger mixes the sound really well. The lighting is definitely hot, but provides great spotlighting. A common curse for bands. I’d occasionally bring extra towels for the members who are drowning in sweat and hand some out while I’d be filming. We look out for each other.
The Camera and Lens used for this set was the Lumix GH4, with an all manual 7artisans 7.5mm Fisheye.
Distinguisher – Las Vegas, NV
I had never heard of this band before. And the moment I heard the first Chug on the 5150 amp from the loud PA monitors in Blind Tiger I knew I’d like what was coming.
They opened with Pointe Willow, which is such an awesome way to hype up the crowd as an opener to the set. Distinguisher just released their new EP “under the weight of things I couldn’t change” which is such an incredible title.
It was inspired by the last 2 years of Covid-19 and world events. The album was produced by Josh Bearden of Nevermore Recordings, the artwork was done by Nick Chance and Jacob Barsoum. The incredible original pour painting on the album was done by Brad Cornelius. Check them out! Some of the angriest tunes but the nicest dudes who would appreciate a listen.

For fans of Beckoner, Alpha Wolf, Extortionist, Cane Hill, King 810, Drain, Dead/Awake, Apate, Weeping Wound, ten56.
Extortionist – Spirit Lake, ID
Extortionist was a band I was really excited to see. I’d been listening to them on heavy rotation since their release ” The Decline” in 2017. But when I’d heard “Low Like You” and “Fill the Void” I really, really got into them.
Love the edit on this video too.
They played hard, and do unique things to really hone their sound. Taking a 6 string fender with an 8 string to balance out the low and and crunch from a single pickup baritone style fender. They even switch instruments between members offering a unique depth. Long live switch bands!
As soon as they started playing they carried that energy, tone and aggression from the previous band Distinguisher. As the crushing guitar tones and snap tight snare filled the room, a mosh of 15 or so people start going, and I did a ton of my usual ric flair “woo’s” when I heard something I liked, whether it be a drum fill, that incredible snare tone, a bouncy guitar riff, or their vocalist Ben’s iconic ” Yeah” often thrown into the lyrics.
I loved their set, the drum’s sounded absolutely incredible. I mean, when I say these guys love their gear, you can tell. And you could hear it. At least I could being a musician and having an ear for this stuff. Plus, it helps Blind Tiger does such a great job mixing heavier music.
The drummer had this amazing symbol set, after their set I yelled ” hit that crash one more time”. The drummer completely out of gas gives it a little finger tap. You’ll see it shine in the set. It was a deep purple with black. You get it. I was staring. These guys take their time with writing, they have such warmth and originality behind their music. You can find their newest single “once more in torment” which is total banger of a track. Has a big Kublai Khan TX feel and changes with a unique chorus.
I’m really looking forward to a new Extortionist album and can’t wait to see them play live again. A big thanks for them continuing on their tour when they got covid over the summer. I’ve gotten Omicron a couple times and it isn’t fun.

For Fans of: Dealey Plaza, Varials, Daybreak, Bodysnatcher, Traitors, Spite, Boundaries.
Rings of Saturn – Bay Area, CA
Rings of Saturn is one of the most technical metal bands out there. They brought a whole new spin to the genre by bringing these really unique alien like tones mixed with really intense BPMs. Lucas Mann, their main guitarist has always persevered throughout years of member changes.
It was amazing to see them touring and playing some of the most technical shred metal live. They spanned from newer material including some of their early stuff. My favorite moment of their set was “seized and devoured”.
They’ve almost expanded into a more fusion Animals as Leaders type progressive metal now, but it’s awesome and I’m always inspired and interested to see what Lucas has in mind. His signature Legator guitar is definitely something you’ll notice as its 9 strings and iconic white bar fret markers and headless design, he looked really comfortable with it and it sounded incredible. Their newest release ” Rings of Saturn” just released this year and its worth a listen. It’s instrumental this time around.
Rings of Saturn has some of the most amazing artwork for merch and album art. I definitely had to stop by the merch table while there. I took the opportunity while listening to them live to walk the room. On the left side was Lucas and I could hear more of what he was doing, and then I’d walk to the right side to hear Joel’s guitar more. It was amazing how in sync they were and how tight and dialed in they sounded.
Definitely don’t sleep on these guys if you’re into progressive metal!!

For Fans of: The Faceless, Archspire, Wretched, Fallujah, Rivers of Nihil, Aversions Crown, Arsonists get all the Girls, Beneath the Massacre