I can’t believe it,
It couldn’t be true.
Is it?
When rules and authority are presented people often do two things ; Adhere, or resist. And It’s incredibly important you know your rights. As a citizen, and as a Photographer.
Union Station has been Photographed by many here in the Burgh. Often for wedding photos, and by lots of people who enjoy the symmetry, unique domed ceiling and Historic background.
Union Station also Penn Station is considered a Historic Landmark. I was told that each one of these Photos I took cost $500 per shot. This set me back $2,000.
It would have
If only that was an actual Policy.
Who Do You Believe?
I was with Captured.PGH CEO Jason Fait, during another venture to Union Station when a security officer came out and scolded us for taking photos.
“Each photo is subject to a fine of $500.” Jason and I started laughing, looked at each other and said “This is a public space.”
The security guard doubled down and said we needed to delete the photos, and to leave the premises because Union Station is a Historic Landmark. So we can’t photograph federal buildings or landmarks? False.
We Knew our Rights.

Sure, we knew this Security Officer was a clown, and making up a bogus “Law”. The truth of the scenario is Union Station is a public space, it was during operating hours and it’s owned by Amtrak, which according to them state
” The taking of photographs and/or videos is permitted within public access areas on Amtrak property and as otherwise stated in Section III.”
Amtrak Website
Section III clarifies different situations.

If you’re uncertain of Amtrak’s policies like the fraud Security Officer we encountered, read about them here.
Fear Tactics, and Ignorant Enforcement
Its a common theme for me in my life to be intimidated by Authoritative figures. I always had a problem with ill advised enforcement in Public School. Hell, I was even put into the back of a cop car at the age of 16 for skateboarding on a back country road in Upstate, NY.
Sometimes it falls heavily on Stereotypes. If I look like a certain type of Photographer, then surely I am.

Use Stereotypes To Your Advantage
This is a major curve in why Photography was so appealing to me. To set my own boundaries, and explore that curious and rebellious side.
My Photography sets the tone. Not what I look like.
Over the years, I’ve become more respectful to established laws and rules. Even when I’m perceived unjustly.
But if they are just ignorant and blatantly unforgiving to the Photographer, I just don’t give them the exposure. Allowing me to use my personality traits infused with my style of Photography.
It’s Hard To Keep Your Cool
Even though the security guard was wrong, The cop that “Arrested” me was wrong, countless detentions I received were wrong. Regardless, I still had to accept the consequences.
In this case where the Security Guard told us “$500 fine per Photo” We sarcastically asked what rule this is, and they double down with escalating the situation. I’m not trying to waste Law Enforcement’s time. So I buckle down, decide to be the bigger man and leave. Even when the authority figure is blatantly incorrect.
Ironically, this is why Law enforcement get away with so much. Civilians can’t escalate things with attitude, and they are so used to people backing down with their legitimate rights, even though the Cop may know better.

All of these interactions are lessons we can run with that will mold us into better people, and hopefully even better Photographers.
I’m still a rebel. And I still break rules.
I certainly am not paying $500 for a made up fine.
Guess that was some other punk taking pictures of Union Station last year.
Jokes on him, I have plenty of images taken BEFORE this encounter. Is he gonna break into my house, load up Lightroom and submit my files to the authorities? Okay Owen Wilson.