Tag: TaylorHandyPhoto

  • What’s Been Selling

    What’s Been Selling

    Photography is an art form that captures the beauty of the world around us. And what better way to showcase this beauty than through stunning photography prints? Society6 is a platform that allows photographers and artists to sell their work as high-quality prints. In recent years, some photography prints have been selling like hotcakes on…

  • Makeup, Metal and Self Portraits

    Makeup, Metal and Self Portraits

    Creativity sure takes us different places doesn’t it? The last venture I had with Self Portraits was this: The Crow Shane Mahoney, a fellow yinzer and Photographer from Pittsburgh helped me with that set. I still use them today for certain profiles. It was so fun walking around Pittsburgh dressed up like that. I sure…

  • Pittsburgh Churches | Bless Thy Lens

    Since moving here several years ago I’ve made quite a few trips to the Historic Pittsburgh Churches. My favorite being East Liberty Presbyterian Church. One of the more popular ones is St. Anthony’s in Troy Hill with a staggering 4,000 relics making it the largest collection outside the Vatican. With a total number of over…

  • Not an Ordinary Wedding | Lisa & Adam

    Lisa contacted me the beginning of April in a Panic. She was getting married on April 20th, 2018 and her Photographer she had been coordinating with was unable to take pictures of her wedding. Lisa runs her own Cannabis infused edibles company, EDIYBLES. She specializes in crafting all kinds of Cannabis based treats. Shes a…

  • What Ansel Said | An Analysis of the G.O.A.T

    Who was Ansel Adams? Ansel Adams was a black and white photographer best known for his landscapes and development of the Zone System. This man single handedly predicted the future of dynamic range and HDR. You could say he created it. *All images and quotes by Ansel Adams. – Ansel passed away in 1983 during…

  • What equipment is critical? | Optimize your kit

    Last week I ventured to the South Side of Pittsburgh and got some interesting wet and moody “after hours” street photos. I even had some fun with a portable LED light for a nice glow effect on The Library bar. In this post, we explore what lenses, batteries, tripods, and other equipment are critical for…

  • Favorite Season To Shoot | Winter Wonderland

    Some photographers have a season of choice to be productive and creative. Some prefer to take pictures during the summer, in warmer weather…sweaty hands gripping a camera. Oddly, I’d rather have my hands frozen like an icicle to an Alloy Magnesium Camera Body. Sounds fun! Some people choose their seasons. Winter chose me. I was…

  • One Man’s Trash, Is Another Man’s Treasure | A Photo Story

    “How is that convention center? I bet we could get good shots there” I asked. My friend replied with a downtrodden, defeated voice “Eh, it’s OK. Too dark, not much you can see”. I thanked my friends for meeting up with me (I think they were just excited to get out and wear shorts in…

  • Change of Interest? | Embrace Creative Directions

    Change of Interest? | Embrace Creative Directions

    You’ve suddenly taken interest in a weird new subject.  This has happened to me time and time again. And most recently for me personally, it’s been birds. I love their sounds, which are clues to find them. Or just beautiful songs. They are extremely tough to photograph due to their agile movements and unpredictable patterns.…