Some photographers have a season of choice to be productive and creative. Some prefer to take pictures during the summer, in warmer weather…sweaty hands gripping a camera.
Oddly, I’d rather have my hands frozen like an icicle to an Alloy Magnesium Camera Body. Sounds fun!
Some people choose their seasons.

Winter chose me.
I was born in December, in the land of snow (and cheese), Wisconsin.
Winter is my most influential, and yet the most taxing season. It took out my Pentax KS-2 because I couldn’t help but lug it out in the heavy snow, plus carrying gear in winter is a pretty strenuous activity.
Twenty-eight years into my life, I found winter to remind me of home. During my first two years in Pennsylvania, I was so excited to see snow. And boy, we got a lot of it as you can see!
This not only

Getting out of the weeds
Often we find ourselves making the same excuses. It’s too cold, it’s too hot, too far, or we’re tired. What blows my mind is that the world doesn’t wait for you, and she certainly doesn’t have time for excuses. Let me explain.
There are “Prime Times” for photography. For the image above, I had to be awake very early to catch the morning dew that froze on the blades of grass.
Do you set an alarm for work? Try setting alarms for “Golden Hour” or try utilizing the wintry “Blue Hour.” And yes, again the world doesn’t wait for you to capture her. One hour and that magic is gone.

To be aware of the change of seasons, and the technique of photography is incredibly rewarding. To take those quick moments in the morning.
Or the first heavy snowfall of the season. Prepare for these moments and I think you’ll find yourself eager to set the alarms, and making less excuses.
There is never a point where we have enough excuses to stop taking pictures.